Morel release 0.5.0
Into the Wilderness
File reader and progressive types in Morel version 0.4
Aggregate queries in Morel
Word Count revisited
Morel release 0.2
Morel: The basic language
Morel: A functional language for data
Blog reboot
Table macros
Improvements to Optiq's MongoDB adapter
Efficient SQL queries on MongoDB
Gathering requirements for olap4j 2.0
Need help
Optiq latest
Announcing Lingual
Explaining holidays to a 3 year old
Mondrian in Action in Action
Mondrian in Action
Pesky quoted identifiers in SQL
From the ashes of the database revolution...
A first look at linq4j
Data-oriented programming for the rest of us
"Big Data" is dead... long live Big Data Architecture
How should Mondrian get table and column statistics?
Auto-generated date dimension tables
olap4j releases version 1.0.1, switches to Apache license
Changes to Mondrian's caching architecture
How Mondrian names hierarchies
Real-Time Seismic Monitoring
Yellowfin BI release 5.2 moves to olap4j
Roll your own high-performance Java collections classes
Removing Mondrian's 'high cardinality dimension' feature
Scripted plug-ins in LucidDB and Mondrian
olap4j version 1.0 released
Scalable caching in Mondrian
Oracle, Hudson and Jenkins
"Just another big pile of data"
An experiment with the Linux scheduler
Architectural shuffling in mondrian's XMLA and olap4j servers
Numbers everyone should know
Concepts in Streaming SQL
Setting the current member of the time dimension automatically
Adding support for a new database to mondrian
September world tour
olap4j now talks to Palo and SAP BW
mondrian heading for 4.0
olap4j heading for 1.0
SQL past and future
The Data Tsunami: SQLstream at Structure 2010
Is Microsoft abandoning XML/A?
OLAP change notification, and the CellSetListener API
Adding profiling and query plans to mondrian
Bite Club
Intelligent Transportation in Houston
MySQL user conference 2010
Improved collections classes for Mondrian's query execution process
Data in Flight
Survey of open source business intelligence adoption
Pentaho Analyzer
What API should Facebook and FriendFeed use to publish the social stream?
Twitter makes the realtime web look more like the old web
An unfortunate fellow named Hyde
Introduction to Pentaho Analysis
Functional dependency optimizations in Mondrian
SQLstream powers Firefox 3.5 realtime downloads monitor
Black screen, white pointer on Vista
Spatial OLAP using GeoMondrian
Cell writeback in Mondrian
Webinar: Eliminating MySQL Bottlenecks and Replication Issues using Real-Time Queries & Continuous ETL
Explaining the structure of Mondrian schemas
Clapham: A railroad diagram generator
How Mondrian evaluates expressions
PAT 0.2
Formatting MDX as plain text
The last MDX holdout folds, but true OLAP interop is still a long way off
A what-if scenario: musing about adding writeback capability to Mondrian
Time crosstab in Mondrian
Being an open source vendor is like being Irish
Pentaho Partner Summit 2009
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is seeking volunteers
Welcome, Sebastian Hyde!
Calculus: it's so basic that even moronic headline writers should know about it
Michael Coté on SQLstream
Recursive event-driven demo
Event-driven marketing
SQLstream 2.0
Pentaho Analysis Tool
Gartner releases Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence
Hard-won lessons in Mondrian query optimization
Streaming content feeds part 2: forging the Streaming Web
Streaming analytics over content feeds (and how content feeds could be better)
Upgrading to ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
Tutorial video for Kettle and Mondrian
Trend arrows in JPivot
To: Rest of World
OpenMRS coverage
Lost in translation
Academia meets Open Source
Pentaho 2.0 brings good things
The only pie chart you can really trust
GOTO considered harmful
Chain blog
Is Oracle about to embrace MPP?
Fall migration kicks in...
SQL extension to allow FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE in GROUP BY query
Database virtualization, distributed caching and streaming SQL
Mondrian on TimesTen
Really urgent analytics
The process of database research
Mondrian, Flex and Openbravo
More from my mother's funeral service
Eulogy for Judy Hyde
Mainz community meet up is just one week away
Maven and Ivy
Mondrian in Mainz
Streaming SQL meets OLAP
30% less bad
Democracy, caucus-style
A nice little OLAP viewer
Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate
olap4j support for scrolling result sets
New access-control features in mondrian
A nice way to populate those pesky closure tables
Open standards and open-source: The ballad of BIRT and olap4j
mondrian release 2.4 and beyond
BI Survey
Mondrian (and me) at MySQL
Mondrian at FISL - 8th International Free Software Forum
Mondrian cache control
Mondrian URLs and Jakarta Commons VFS
What's in a name?
An old object-database company learns new tricks
The kindness of strangers
Faster Development Through Modeling
Mondrian 2.2, Cube Designer, and CurrentDateMember
First draft of olap4j specification released
New book on aggregate table design
My nephew has hiccups
Your point, exactly? My point. Exactly.
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