WordCount is a problem that has been used to showcase several generations of data engines. It was introduced in MapReduce, and followed by many others, including Pig, Hive and Spark.

The problem is simple to state: Given a collection of documents, find the set of words that occur in those documents, and the number of occurrences of each.

The solution is not so straightforward. It requires functions on scalar values (to tokenize a string into words), handling nested collections (because one line or document becomes a set of words), data parallelism (in case there are millions of documents and thousands of words), and reading from and writing to files. Mike Stonebraker’s protestations notwithstanding, these are not things that an RDBMS does well.

The deficiencies of RDBMS were the impetus for new data processing languages and frameworks, starting with MepReduce in 2004.

In this post, we shall look at implementations of WordCount in various languages and engines. Each implementation blends general-purpose programming languages, functional programming, and relational algebra in varying proportions.

WordCount in MapReduce

map(String input_key, String input_value):
  // input_key: document name
  // input_value: document contents
  for each word w in input_value:
    EmitIntermediate(w, "1");

reduce(String output_key, Iterator intermediate_values):
  // output_key: a word
  // output_values: a list of counts
  int result = 0;
  for each v in intermediate_values:
    result += ParseInt(v);

(From MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters, by Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, 2004.)

MapReduce was ground-breaking because it framed data parallelism in functional programming terms. It demonstrated that a large, complex, distributed problem could be expressed in terms of two simple functions.

Functional programming is often thought of as good for solving only ‘small’ problems, but because functions are pure and stateless they are an excellent building block for large-scale distributed programs.

Also, you can implement the functions in a powerful general-purpose programming language, so you can solve the whole problem in one language. In most dialects of SQL you cannot solve WordCount because there is no built-in split function to split a document into words. You would have to jump into another language to implement split as a user-defined function, and then import that function into your SQL session.

My only quibble is that they use confusing names. To functional programmers, map and reduce are well-known higher-order functions that are built into the system; Dean and Ghemawat’s map and reduce functions are just the arguments to those.

In the following example in Standard ML, a functional programming language, you’ll see that I rename their map and reduce functions to wc_mapper and wc_reducer, and pass them as arguments to a higher-order function called mapReduce. It illustrates the connection between MapReduce and functional programming. The only difference is that in Dean and Ghemawat’s MapReduce, and in other implementations of MapReduce such as Apache Hadoop, the mapReduce function is a powerful distributed system and not 17 lines of Standard ML.

Word Count in Standard ML

First, let’s define the mapReduce function. It is a higher-order function that takes two other functions mapper and reducer as arguments, and also the list of input values.

mapReduce is a framework. The user can make it do WordCount or a hundred other tasks by providing different implementations of mapper and reducer.

This particular implementation is very inefficient – the update and dedup functions that build a multimap have O(n2) running time, and the program runs in a single thread – but the point is that the framework could be made more efficient without the user having to rewrite their mapper and reducer functions.

- fun mapReduce mapper reducer list =
      fun update (key, value, []) = [(key, [value])]
        | update (key, value, ((key2, values) :: tail)) =
            if key = key2 then
              (key, (value :: values)) :: tail
              (key2, values) :: (update (key, value, tail))
      fun dedup ([], dict) = dict
        | dedup ((key, value) :: tail, dict) =
            dedup (tail, update (key, value, dict))
      fun flatMap f list = List.foldl (op @) [] (List.map f list)
      val keyValueList = flatMap mapper list
      val keyValuesList = dedup (keyValueList, [])
      List.map (fn (key, values) => (key, reducer (key, values))) keyValuesList
val mapReduce = fn
  : ('a -> (''b * 'c) list)
    -> (''b * 'c list -> 'd) -> 'a list -> (''b * 'd) list

Now let’s define the wc_mapper and wc_reducer functions that will power the WordCount algorithm.

- fun wc_mapper line =
      fun split0 [] word words = word :: words
        | split0 (#" " :: s) word words = split0 s "" (word :: words)
        | split0 (c :: s) word words = split0 s (word ^ (String.str c)) words
      fun split s = List.rev (split0 (String.explode s) "" [])
      List.map (fn w => (w, 1)) (split line)
val wc_mapper = fn : string -> (string * int) list
- fun wc_reducer (key, values) = foldl (op +) 0 values;
val wc_reducer = fn : 'a * int list -> int

Check that they work on discrete values:

- wc_mapper "a skunk sat on a stump";
val it = [("a",1),("skunk",1),("sat",1),("on",1),("a",1),("stump",1)]
  : (string * int) list
- wc_reducer ("hello", [1, 4, 2]);
val it = 7 : int

Bind them to mapReduce to create a function tailored to the WordCount problem:

- fun wordCount lines = mapReduce wc_mapper wc_reducer lines;
val wordCount = fn : string list -> (string * int) list

And check that our wordCount function works:

- wordCount ["a skunk sat on a stump",
    "and thunk the stump stunk",
    "but the stump thunk the skunk stunk"];
val it =
   ("and",1),("a",2),("sat",1),("on",1)] : (string * int) list

WordCount in Pig

Apache Pig was one of the first high-level languages for Apache Hadoop. Pig has its trotters firmly planted in relational algebra, but makes extensive use of nested collections.

input = load 'mary' as (line);
words = foreach input generate flatten(TOKENIZE(line)) as word;
grpd = group words by word;
cntd = foreach grpd generate group, COUNT(words);
dump cntd;

(From Programming Pig by Alan Gates, O’Reilly 2011.)

Each line of the program is one relational operation. In line 2, a user-defined function (TOKENIZE) generates a collection, which is then flattened. Line 3 groups occurrences of words, and line 4 generates a count of each collection.

WordCount in Apache Hive SQL

FROM input
  LATERAL VIEW explode(split(text, ' ')) lTable AS word

(From Stack Overflow.)

There is not a typical SQL statement, and the interesting stuff all happens on line 3:

  • First, the split function converts the text column from the input table into an array of strings.
  • Next, the explode table-valued function converts an array of strings into a relation with one string column.
  • Last, the LATERAL VIEW keywords are work around oddities in SQL semantics. VIEW tells Hive to treat the result of a table function as a relation (without it, the only thing you can include in the FROM clause are tables and sub-queries), and LATERAL makes previous entries in the FROM clause (in this case the text column of the input relation) visible inside the function.

(LATERAL VIEW is Hive-specific syntax. Standard SQL would use CROSS JOIN LATERAL TABLE; in Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Apache Calcite you can also use CROSS APPLY.)

The overall effect is nested ‘for’ loops: first over the rows in the input relation, then over the array yielded by split(input.text, ' ') for each row. The syntax is different from the Pig solution, but the semantics are almost identical. The resulting list of words is then handled by GROUP BY and COUNT(*) in the usual way.

WordCount in Apache Spark

Apache Spark is both an extension to the MapReduce paradigm and a successor to the Hadoop engine. Its binding to the Scala language makes for concise programs, as followign example shows. It also has a distributed processing engine that is more efficient than Hadoop, especially for shorter-lived jobs.

val textFile = sc.textFile("hdfs://...")
val counts = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
                 .map(word => (word, 1))
                 .reduceByKey(_ + _)

(From Apache Spark Examples.)

Spark has many more operations than just map and reduce, but this example clearly shows the same map-reduce structure.

Spark is a platform rather than a language: the calls to methods flatMap, map and reduceByKey do not actually process data but build an expression in Spark’s algebra. The arguments to those methods are Scala functions. When saveAsTextFile is called, the algebra is planned and executed.

I call this a ‘builder’ model, and you can see earlier examples in DryadLINQ, FlumeJava, and Cascading. While the primary interface to Apache Calcite is SQL, its builder API RelBuilder is popular with people writing query optimizers.

A builder system inevitably has two languages: the host language in which you write the programs (Scala in the case of Spark) and the engine’s own algebra. For small expressions (for example a filter condition) some builders have an expression algebra, while others use fragments of the host language (such as the Scala fragment word => (word, 1) above).

A builder has an underlying algebra, which means that the large-scale program can be optimized by re-organizing the algebraic operators. The mix of languages means that you can use the power of the host language to write user-defined functions without stepping out of the environment (the way you would have to, say, leave SQL in order to write a UDF in Java).

But the seams between the algebra and the host language are always apparent. They have different type systems, for instance, and if the language type-checks in the host language it still may not type-check in the algebra. And those fragments of host language may be opaque to the optimizer and prevent advanced optimizations.

Reflecting on these problems, I came up with Morel, a language that has the power of a general-purpose language (due to its SML ancestry) but with support for relational expressions in the language, so that you naturally express data-oriented problems in relational algebra.

Unlike a builder, Morel is one language. The algebra is the parse tree of the program, and the query optimizer is built into the language parser.

WordCount in Morel

The solution to the WordCount problem in Morel is very concise:

from line in lines,
    word in split line
  group word compute count

So concise that it needs some explanation. The from keyword (an feature of Morel that is not present in Standard ML) creates a list comprehension. You can think of it as a ‘for’ loop, but declarative rather than imperative. Inside the loop are not actions but expressions. The whole from is an expression whose value is a list, and the elements of that list are defined by those inner expressions.

One difference from SQL is that collections can be composed of any value, not just records; lines is a list of strings, and therefore at any moment during the iteration line is a string. (The Hive SQL example is confusing because it has two single-column relations, input and lTable, but it has to use column names, text and word, in expressions.)

SQL makes a big distinction between relations (which may appear in a FROM clause) and collections such as arrays (which may only appear where expressions can appear, such as in the SELECT and WHERE clauses). Morel makes no such distinction. from works on any collection-valued expression, which may be a list of strings, a list of records, or a table stored in a relational database.

As a result, we don’t tend to use the term ‘query’ in Morel. In other languages, a ‘query’ is an expression that operates on relations, but in Morel we just call it an expression.

Is from a query operator? It reminds us of SELECT because it uses relational operations – scan, join and aggregate in this example, and also filter and sort – but it’s just one of many ways that you can operate on lists in Morel.

The solution – all 3 lines of it – is a single from expression:

  • The first line, from line in lines, assigns each element of lines in turn to a variable line of type string.
  • The second line, word in split line, applies the split function to line to yield an array of strings, and assigns each element of of the array in turn to a variable word. (We don't need the equivalent of SQL's LATERAL, because line is implicitly visible in the inner-loop.)
  • The third line, group word compute count, gathers records into groups that have the same word value, then applies the built-in count aggregate function to those groups. The result is a list of records with fields word and count.

A more complete solution

The above Morel solution works, but it assumes that a split function is available. (The other solutions in other languages have the same problem; this is especially onerous in Pig and Hive, where someone would have to write a UDF in a language such as Java, compile it, package it in a JAR file, add the JAR file to the classpath, and restart the runtime.)

A better solution would solve the problem all in the one language, and ideally in the same block of code, without requiring an extra compilation step. Because Morel is a general-purpose language, we can declare the split function inline:

fun wordCount lines =
    fun split0 [] word words = word :: words
      | split0 (#" " :: s) word words = split0 s "" (word :: words)
      | split0 (c :: s) word words = split0 s (word ^ (String.str c)) words
    fun split s = List.rev (split0 (String.explode s) "" [])
    from line in lines,
        word in split line
    group word compute count

gives signature

val wordCount = fn : string list -> {count:int, word:string} list

Another improvement is that the new solution is not an expression, but a function. The previous solution was a expression that assumed that there is a list called lines in the environment, but the function can easily be applied to any value.

Now let’s run it:

wordCount ["a skunk sat on a stump",
    "and thunk the stump stunk",
    "but the stump thunk the skunk stunk"];
val it =
   {count=2,word="skunk"}] : {count:int, word:string} list


We have seen the solutions to the WordCount problem in 5 languages: MapReduce, Standard ML, Pig, Hive SQL, Spark, and Morel. Pig and Hive have powerful high-level query languages but rely on UDFs written in another language. MapReduce and Spark use the power of their native language but rely on an external framework (whose real language is a relational algebra created by a builder) to carry out the processing.

Only Morel brings high-level query operators into a language that can also solve general-purpose problems.

Morel lies at the intersection of functional programming and query languages, taking the best of both worlds. Over the next few weeks, this blog will drill deeper into both of those aspects. We shall look at how to express SQL concepts such as GROUP BY and ORDER BY in Morel, and also what it means to have functions as first-class values in a query language.

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This article has been updated.