Pentaho is hosting its first community meet-up in Mainz, Germany, on 13th and 14th June, 2008.

I will be there, and so will the leaders of the other Pentaho projects: Thomas Morgner (Pentaho Reporting), Matt Casters (Kettle), Mark Hall (Weka).

The format of the meeting will be along the lines of a BarCamp: no PowerPoint, lots of demos, audience participation, beer/wine on hand, and fun afterwards in the form of a cruise on the river Rhine. (Mainz is in the heart of Germany’s wine country, so it would be difficult not to have fun!)

Are you going to join us? What would you like to see at the meet-up? What application/technology could you demo?

And by the way, if you can’t wait until June, I will be giving a talk entitled “Creating Interactive OLAP Applications with MySQL Enterprise and Mondrian” at the MySQL conference tomorrow in Santa Clara, California. Join me there… or find me on the conference floor/in the bar afterwards.