Last week I wrote about my goals for Morel, extending a simple functional language (Standard ML) with relational operations so that it can be used as a query language.

This week I’d like to go over the basics of the language. Much of this is the same as ML, and that’s a good thing. If you want to learn more about ML, there are plenty of good resources.

The shell

The easiest way to start Morel is in its shell. The following example starts Morel from macOS and evaluates a string literal.

$ ./morel
morel version 0.1.0 (java version "13", JRE null (build 13+33), JLine terminal, xterm-256color)
= "hello, world!";
val it = "hello, world!" : string

(To build Morel and start the shell for yourself, follow the instructions on GitHub. To exit the shell, type Ctrl+D.)

Primitive types and simple expressions

As a functional language, everything in Morel is an expression. The basic types are bool, int, real, string, char, and unit. Here are literals in each.

= false;
val it = false : bool
= 10;
val it = 10 : int
= ~4.5;
val it = ~4.5 : real
= "morel";
val it = "morel" : string
= #"a";
val it = #"a" : char
= ();
val it = () : unit

As you’d expect, there are built-in operators for each data type. Here are a few examples:

= true andalso false;
val it = false : bool
= true orelse false;
val it = true : bool
= not false;
val it = true : bool
= 1 + 2;
val it = 3 : int
= ~(5 - 2);
val it = ~3 : int
= 10 mod 3;
val it = 1 : int
= "mo" ^ "rel";
val it = "morel" : string


You can assign values to variables.

= val x = 7;
val x = 7 : int
= val y = x mod 3;
val y = 1 : int;
= x + y;
val it = 8 : int

(Morel, following Standard ML, actually calls them “value bindings” rather than “variables” because you cannot change their value. It’s not much of a hardship, because you can create a new variable with the same name, and it will obscure the old variable and its value.)

There is a special variable called it used by the shell. Each time you evaluate an expression, the shell and assigns the value to a variable called it, and prints the value and its type. You can use it in the next expression.

= "morel";
val it = "morel" : string
= String.size it;
val it = 5 : int
= it + 4;
val it = 9 : int

A let expression binds one or more values and evaluates an expression.

= let
-   val x = 3
-   val y = 2
- in
-   x + y
- end;
val it = 5 : int

Lists, records and tuples

In addition to primitive types, there are list, record, and tuple types.

= [1, 2, 3];
val it = [1,2,3] : int list
= {id = 10, name = "Scooby"};
val it = {id=10,name="Scooby"} : {id:int, name:string}
= (1, true, "yes");
val it = (1,true,"yes") : int * bool * string

Tuples are actually just records with fields named “1”, “2”, and so on. The following example shows that the values are identical, and have the same type, whether you use tuple or record syntax.

= (1, true, "yes");
val it = (1,true,"yes") : int * bool * string
= {1 = 1, 2 = true, 3 = "yes"};
val it = (1,true,"yes") : int * bool * string
= (1, true, "yes") = {1 = 1, 2 = true, 3 = "yes"};
val it = true : bool;

The empty record and empty tuple are equal, and are the only value of the type unit. Morel outputs it as ().

= {};
val it = () : unit
= ();
val it = () : unit
= {} = ();
val it = true : bool;


Functions are expressions, too. fn makes a lambda expression. After we have bound the lambda value to plusOne, we can use plusOne as a function.

= val plusOne = fn x => x + 1;
val plusOne = fn : int -> int
= plusOne 2;
val it = 3 : int

Function declarations are common, so the fun keyword provides a shorthand: “fun f arg = exp” is short for “val f = fn arg => exp”.

= fun plusOne x = x + 1;
val plusOne = fn : int -> int
= plusOne 2;
val it = 3 : int

Functions can have multiple arguments, separated by spaces.

= fun plus x y = x + y;
val plus = fn : int -> int -> int
= plus 3 4;
val it = 7 : int

If we supply too few arguments, we get a closure that captures the argument value and can be applied later.

= val plusTen = plus 10;
val plusTen = fn : int -> int
= plusTen 2;
val it = 12 : int

Functions can be recursive. Here, the factorial function evaluates by calling itself, using the mathematical identity that n! = n * (n-1)!.

= fun factorial n =
-   if n = 1 then
-     1
-   else
-     n * factorial (n - 1);
val factorial = fn : int -> int
= factorial 1;
val it = 1 : int
= factorial 5;
val it = 120 : int

Higher-order functions and type inference

A higher-order function is a function that operates on other functions. Here are a couple of examples.

The map function applies a given function f to each element of a list, returning a list, as follows:

= fun map f [] = []
-   | map f (head :: tail) = (f head) :: (map f tail);
val map = fn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
= fun double n = n * 2;
val double = fn : int -> int
= map double [1, 2, 3, 4];
val it = [2,4,6,8] : int list

The type of the map function, above, is fn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list. Morel’s type system (based, like that of ML, on the Hindley-Milner type system) has deduced that map has a polymorphic type, and 'a and 'b are type variables. This means that if f has type 'a -> 'b, for any types 'a and 'b, then map f will transform a list of ‘a' to a list of 'b’.

For example, if f is the built-in function String.size of type string -> int, then 'a is string and 'b is int, and map String.size will convert a string list to an int list.

Notice that we did not declare any types; the type system deduced everything for us. Type inference is perhaps ML’s greatest feature. In Morel, it helps us achieve our goal of writing powerful queries concisely. We don’t need to specify types, and furthermore, we can include temporary values and functions in the query whenever we need them.

The filter function keeps only those elements of a list for which a predicate p evaluates to true, as follows:

= fun filter p [] = []
-   | filter p (head :: tail) =
-     if (p head) then
-       (head :: (filter p tail))
-     else
-       (filter p tail);
val filter = fn : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
= fun even n = n mod 2 = 0;
val even = fn : int -> bool
= filter even [1, 2, 3, 4];
val it = [2,4] : int list

You may notice that map and filter are very similar to the SELECT and WHERE clauses of a SQL statement. This is no surprise: relational algebra, which underlies SQL, is basically a collection of higher-order functions applied to lists of records (relations).

Can we extend ML syntax to make it easier to write relational algebra expressions? You bet!

Relational expressions

from is a Morel extension that iterates over one or more lists, applies relational operations, and returns a list.

It has a similar purpose to SQL’s SELECT. But unlike SELECT, its inputs and outputs can be collections of any type (not just records). Also, Morel makes no distinction between relations and expressions; therefore Morel do not need operations like SQL’s UNNEST to deal with nested collections, and we can operate on lists in memory just like tables in a database.

Let’s start by defining emps and depts relations as lists of records.

- val emps =
=   [{id = 100, name = "Fred", deptno = 10},
=    {id = 101, name = "Velma", deptno = 20},
=    {id = 102, name = "Shaggy", deptno = 30},
=    {id = 103, name = "Scooby", deptno = 30}];
val emps =
  : {deptno:int, id:int, name:string} list
= val depts =
-   [{deptno = 10, name = "Sales"},
-    {deptno = 20, name = "HR"},
-    {deptno = 30, name = "Engineering"},
-    {deptno = 40, name = "Support"}];
val depts =
  : {deptno:int, name:string} list

Now let’s run our first query:

= from e in emps yield e;
val it =
  : {deptno:int, id:int, name:string} list

The equivalent in SQL would be

FROM emps AS e

In Morel there is no difference between a query, a table, and a list-valued expression, so we could have instead written just emps.

= emps;
val it =
  : {deptno:int, id:int, name:string} list

A where clause filters out rows, and a yield clause controls which fields are returned.

= from e in emps
-   where #deptno e = 30
-   yield {id = #id e};
val it = [{id=102},{id=103}] : {id:int} list

SQL equivalent is as follows:

FROM emps AS e
WHERE e.deptno = 30

If you omit yield, you get the raw values of the loop variable e.

= from e in emps
-   where #deptno e = 30;
val it =
  : {deptno:int, id:int, name:string} list


In ML, the usual way to access a field is via an accessor function that starts with ‘#’. For example, #id e returns the id field of record e. But Morel has an alternative syntax,, which is more familiar for SQL users.

Also, when you are constructing a record ML requires each field to be named, e.g. id = #id e, but in Morel you can omit the name field if it is the same as the current field or variable.

Thus the following 3 queries are equivalent:

= from e in emps
-   yield {e = #id e};
val it = [{id=100},{id=101},{id=102},{id=103}] : {id:int} list
= from e in emps
-   yield {e =};
val it = [{id=100},{id=101},{id=102},{id=103}] : {id:int} list
= from e in emps
-   yield {};
val it = [{id=100},{id=101},{id=102},{id=103}] : {id:int} list

I’ll use the abbreviated forms from now on.

Joins and sub-queries

The following query joins employees and departments relations on department number.

= from e in emps,
-     d in depts
-   where e.deptno = d.deptno
-   yield {, e.deptno, ename =, dname =};
val it =
  : {deptno:int, dname:string, ename:string, id:int} list

The following query returns the names of employees in the Engineering department.

= let
-   fun exists [] = false
-     | exists (head :: tail) = true
- in
-   from e in emps
-     where exists (from d in depts
-                   where d.deptno = e.deptno
-                   andalso = "Engineering")
-     yield
- end;
val it = ["Shaggy","Scooby"] : string list

This query shows how much can be accomplished in Morel with just functions, without extending the language. In SQL, the equivalent query would have EXISTS and a correlated sub-query, but in Morel exists is an ordinary function that we have defined in the query, and a correlated sub-query is just an expression that happens to reference return a list and reference variables in an enclosing scope.


To recap, Morel has:

  • primitive types bool, int, real, string, char, unit;
  • also list, tuple, record, and function types;
  • lambda expressions and recursive functions;
  • polymorphism and type-inference;
  • relational from expressions (a Morel extension to Standard ML).

This was just a quick introduction to Morel and its ancestor Standard ML, and I had to skip over many topics. There wasn’t time to cover algebraic types and pattern-matching, variations to from expressions such as the group clause, and how Morel accesses external data and optimizes programs. I hope to cover these topics in upcoming posts.

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This article has been updated.