When Mondrian tools output MDX results as text, such as in the cmdRunner utility, we’ve been using the same old crappy format for years. For example, the query

select crossjoin(
    {[Time].[1997].[Q1], [Time].[1997].[Q2].[4]},
    {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store  Sales]}) on 0,
  {[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles], [USA].[WA].[Seattle],
   [USA].[CA].[San Francisco]} on 1
FROM [Sales]

is formatted as

Axis #0:
Axis #1:
{[Time].[1997].[Q1], [Measures].[Unit  Sales]}
{[Time].[1997].[Q1], [Measures].[Store  Sales]}
{[Time].[1997].[Q2].[4], [Measures].[Unit  Sales]}
{[Time].[1997].[Q2].[4], [Measures].[Store Sales]}
Axis #2:
{[Store].[All Stores].[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles]}
{[Store].[All  Stores].[USA].[WA].[Seattle]}
{[Store].[All Stores].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco]}
Row #0: 6,373
Row #0: 13,736.97
Row #0: 1,865
Row #0: 3,917.49
Row #1: 6,098
Row #1: 12,760.64
Row #1: 2,121
Row #1: 4,444.06
Row #2: 439
Row #2: 936.51
Row #2: 149
Row #2: 327.33

I’ve just checked in an alternative formatter that makes the result look more like a pivot table. The same query would come out like this:

                     1997       1997        1997       1997
                     Q1         Q1          Q2         Q2
                                            4          4
                     Unit Sales Store Sales Unit Sales Store Sales
=== == ============= ========== =========== ========== ===========
USA CA Los Angeles   6,373      13,736.97   1,865      3,917.49
USA WA Seattle       6,098      12,760.64   2,121      4,444.06
USA CA San Francisco 439        936.51      149        327.33

Two questions:

  1. Should we move this code into the olap4j code base? (It would seem to make sense because it doesn’t require any mondrian internals to do the job, and the processing requires a ‘grid model’ similar to query models already part of olap4j. But I don’t want to ‘dump’ code that is not generally useful.)

  2. What do people feel is the ideal format for formatting MDX results as text? As a starting point, another couple of possible formats are below.

“Oracle” format

                     Q1                      Q2
                     Unit Sales Store Sales Unit Sales Store Sales
=== == ============= ========== =========== ========== ===========
USA CA Los Angeles        6,373   13,736.97      1,865    3,917.49
    WA Seattle            6,098   12,760.64      2,121    4,444.06
    CA San Francisco        439      936.51        149      327.33

“MySQL” format

|                          | 1997                                                |
|                          | Q1                       |  Q2                      |
|                          |                          | 4                        |
|                          | Unit Sales | Store Sales | Unit Sales | Store Sales |
| USA | CA | Los Angeles   |      6,373 |   13,736.97 |      1,865 |   3,917.49  |
|     | WA | Seattle       |      6,098 |   12,760.64 |     2,121  |    4,444.06 |
|     | CA | San Francisco |        439 |     936.51  |        149 |      327.33 |